About Coach Lauren

Fitness Training Facilitator

Lauren E. Faulkner B.Sc., CPT, has her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science with a minor in Holistic Health from University of Southern Maine, is a certified Personal Trainer through American Council on Exercise, a certified Mindset Specialist through the Mindset Performance Institute and has been coaching individuals to a happy healthy lifestyle for 10 years.

She believes that the human spirit, mind and body create a marvelous machine that is meant to be experienced to the fullest in every way. Lauren works with individuals and families developing wellness plans, intention setting and designing the ideal day. With clear, honest, and upfront communication Lauren will challenge, inspire, and coach clients to discover life on their terms. She will meet them where they are, guide them to discover their own way to each goal and hold them accountable to do the work to achieve each of those goals. With the leading mindset education, Mindset Specialists are helping clients and customers achieve their dreams by first helping them through their greatest obstacle- MINDSET

Lauren’s passion is facilitating an individual’s personal wellness and healing journey of clearing, connecting, crafting and creating a life of absolute fullest potential. This passion is an intersection of multiple things Lauren is curious about and fills a need for a challenge we all face… The challenge of pursuing life, liberty and happiness.